Linux Commands

1. zip -rj " folder name".zip ".folder name -Zip folder

  1. tar -cf folder.tar urfoldername - to tar the folder

  2. gzip folder.tar - Zip

  3. scp -r folder.tar.gz username@serverName:/home/user - Copy to another server

  4. tar -zxvf folder.tar.gz -Unzip

7. unzip -cf flder

8. grep -r "ipolstage" /srv/www/html/ipol >grepoutput.txt

Mydump With tabel

mysqldump -u username -p password --quick [database [table1, table2, ...]] > backup_db.sql
mysqldump -u username -p password [database [table1, table2, ...]] > backup_db.sql

Count number of files in linux

ls -1 | wc -l

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