Mozilla 3.0 for windows and Ubuntu

Use below link to download Mozilla 3.0 --- windows

Ubuntu --follow the steps mentioned in the below url,it will do all the backups then it will install
Here one change we need to do during the installation
sudo tar -C /opt -jxvf firefox-3.0b2.tar.bz2
instead of this make modification like this
sudo tar -C /opt -jxvf folder/firefox-3.0b2.tar.bz2


JWYSIWYG jQuery editor

This plugin is an inline content editor to allow editing rich HTML content on the fly. It's an alternative to WYMeditor with much less features.

How to integrate..
create a html file copy paste below code (download 2 js and 1 css)
<style type="text/css" href="styles/jquery.wysiwyg.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src ="scripts/jquery-1.2.3.pack.js">
<script type="text/javascript" src ="scripts/jquery.wysiwyg.js">

<script type="text/javascript">

<textarea id="wysiwyg" rows="11" cols="63" name="desc">    <textarea> 


Activate hidden controls

If you want more controls please replace above script by below
<script type="text/javascript">
controls : {
separator01 : { visible : true },
separator03 : { visible : true },
separator04 : { visible : true },
separator00 : { visible : true },
insertOrderedList : { visible : true },
insertUnorderedList : { visible : true },
undo: { visible : true },
redo: { visible : true },
justifyLeft: { visible : true },
justifyCenter: { visible : true },
justifyRight: { visible : true },
justifyFull: { visible : true },
subscript: { visible : true },
superscript: { visible : true },
underline: { visible : true }
} );

Download Link :Click

Running file as background process

All your scripts from a shell as a background process in PHP

exec ("/usr/bin/php yourscript.php >/dev/null &");
The part on the end is the important part... >/dev/null sends the output if your script to nowhere and the & spins it into a background process.

Static Variable and Functions

Static Variables:
1. Only one instance of a given variable exists for a class.
2. Can be accessed without the instace object
3. Can be accesable through any methods(static or nonstatic)

Static functions:
1. Can be called by prefixing the class name to the method
eg: int val = class.method();
2. No need to instanciate the class.